In recent years, however, the period positivity movement has made waves and has started to destigmatize and normalize these types of conversations and we’re here for it. To help further this conversation, below, we’ve outlined five things your body may do that are perfectly normal.
Body acne
Unfortunately, acne isn’t just something that can pop up on your face. Acne can also occur in other parts of the body, including the back, arms, boobs, scalp, ears, and butt (yup, butne is real!). During the summertime especially, body acne becomes a bigger issue due to the warmer weather and humidity that causes an increased amount of sweat and oil, which can lead to clogged pores and acne-causing bacteria. Although body acne is normal, still, it can make one self-conscious. The solution? Two words: pimple patches. Rael’s new XL Spot Control Patch, for example, is specifically designed to tackle this issue. Made with medical-grade hydrocolloid dressing, it works much like a traditional pimple patch to draw out pus but it’s bigger so it can cover and treat bigger breakouts.
Seeing discharge in your underwear throughout your menstrual cycle is completely normal, and the discharge can change in color and consistency depending on where you are in your cycle. In fact, healthy discharge is a sign that the vagina is clean and lubricated so it’s nothing to be alarmed about. That said, there is also abnormal discharge that can indicate an infection or other issue. So, if you notice the discharge looks usual, has a foul smell, or you’re experiencing other symptoms such as itching, pain, or a burning sensation, pay your gynecologist a visit. To better familiarize yourself with your body and your cycle, you can keep track of your discharge’s color and consistency so you can better understand what is normal for you and be able to more easily catch abnormalities down the road.
Yeast infections
Most women experience at least one vaginal yeast infection at some point in their life, so yes they are a normal occurrence, but still require attention and treatment. Yeast infections typically have symptoms of itchiness and thick, cottage cheese-like discharge. They can be caused by douching, your period, sex, or medications such as antibiotics, which eliminate too much good bacteria and allow an overgrowth of bad bacteria. Be sure to see your doctor if you have yeast infection symptoms. To prevent them from happening, there are also some home remedies for yeast infections you can try, such as taking vaginal health probiotics to replenish the good bacteria and wearing breathable, cotton underwear to prevent bacteria growth.
Endometriosis is another very common condition women struggle with, many of which go undiagnosed, which makes it even more important to advocate for health and talk to your doctor about it. “Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent condition that occurs when the cells lining the uterus grow outside of the uterus in places it shouldn’t, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, or bowel wall,” Stephanie Paver, integrative and functional registered dietitian nutritionist, previously told Rael. Chronic pelvic pain is one of the biggest symptoms of endometriosis and can also include painful sex, back pain, fatigue, and muscle aches. Treatments can include taking synthetic progesterone or, in some cases, surgical intervention.
Melasma is a skin condition characterized as patchy facial discoloration that many people experience. It is typically triggered by hormonal changes, UV radiation, and heat which increases pigment production. While dealing with hormonal changes is a bit more complex, two easy ways you can work on preventing melasma if you’re prone to it is avoiding UV light exposure and keeping the skin cool as much as possible, especially when wearing masks regularly as they can trap heat. For a personalized treatment plan to deal with melasma, be sure to visit a dermatologist who can prescribe different remedies. In the meantime, a good foundation or concealer can help cover up those discoloration spots.Rael Reminder: It’s time we normalize all conversations about our bodies.